Friday, October 3, 2008

Things to Love

Things to love this week:
Rain lurking on the horizon
Husband getting the opportunity to go fishing with his son
Staying home with my sister and eating Tuna Casserole
Being able to keep in touch by cell phones when love ones are far away
Having parents that are alive & well enough to still do the things they love to do
Being able to go to the grocery store and having to choose between many brands of Albacore Tuna
Dog sitting

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Moving along

We are back online after helping Connie move some of her bulkier things.

To this cute farm house. She's added a few touches to make it look like someone is living there. When she first started moving in , things had been neglected for a time....After helping things started to look loved again. On of the jobs was to get the sprinkling system to the flowers and trees up and running again.
Even across the street were trees that need trimming so you could see beyond the corner..

IT's nice to be able to help friends out. We love helping.