Saturday, April 12, 2008

Things I love this week

With spring in bloom there are many things to love:
Longer days of sunlight
Cool nights that are warm enough to have the windows open
Flannel sheets that smell of lavender & cotton (thanks to fabric rinse in the washer)
Sun being higher in the sky of blue
Mountains with snow in them sticking up so high in the BLUE sky
Dafodils so yellow next to greening grasses
The smell of fresh cut grasses
The freedom of travel (last week I was in Pinedale, WY and this next week I'll be in Powell, WY)
The great people I work with who offer me the opportunity to travel
New babies in the family, weddings upcoming
Did I mention alreay - Flannel sheets
And best of all - ALL of you who read this.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Stay at Homes in Spring

Today I just needed a little time for myself. So, I went to my friend Connie's house to feed her "stay at homes". She is off visiting her family in Rigby and had to leave all the birds, the cats and the ginnea pig at home. Taking 3 dogs to see the fam is chore enough. I go over and feed and talk to those left at home. Quirky to me - but they all seem to know who I am and chatter up a storm while I'm there. It's such a great spring day too. Lots of forsythia in bloom now. We even brought in a few cuttings of some for color in the house.
Another thing on my plate today is laundry. I'm going to be traveling for the better part of the next 2 weeks so need to get a few things in order. I'm headed to parts of desolate Wyoming to work. I hope to post from there. We'll see.

Tea Time

My sister Colleen has our Grammy's collection of Franciscan Ivy dishes. She's been adding to them over the years. They are pretty expensive when you can find them. Recently, she was at the DI and found this nice teapot with out a lid. Scored at $1. On Ebay just the lid alone is $110. A teapot with a lid runs for abt $240. You can't get a better deal than that.