Sunday, March 2, 2008

Grandpa's window to his world

This picture of my Dad's Dad - James Patrick Browne on the day of his daughter Erin Rose's wedding June 1949/Seattle. The glasses were given to me last year out of some of his belongings. He died in Nov 1949. One of the lenses was missing so I had a new one put in to match the remaining one. The perscription was a single of a +150 strength. I love it when you have old things that were actually part of a picture. He must be smiling down on me cause I put this all together. I wish I would have known him.
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  1. That's a nice picture. And I like the glasses with it. That is a nice idea to display them together.

  2. Cuz, This is the best post. I love it too. I did not know you had his glasses. Love that you fixed them. Maybe Erin Rose, my mom, could have used them right now as she has taken a lens out of her glasses after cataract surgery. hehe.
    I have a copy of this picture and I imagine what it would have been like to know our grandfather. As it is almost St Paddy's Day, I think of him even more. He looks so Irish.

  3. Wow! That is really neat Karen. It's such a special display of your grandpa. What a wonderful idea to put them together. I'll bet where ever he is he is smiling.
