Sunday, March 30, 2008

Treasures and Friends

Saturday we went out with the U's again. They take us places that we might have thought of going to right then. First was to the Star Mill Antique's in American Fork. It's been a long time since we've been there but always a nice trip. It always amazes me to see things that I have used in my life time at an ANTIQUE store. Does that make me ANTIGQUE or just UNIQUE? Both probably.
After that we stopped off at Cabela's for some more serious browsing. That in itself should be a whole day trip. But since we had an evening with TRUDY to go to, we had to cut our trip to sports Heaven short.

Our evening with Trudy included Margie and her husband Dick. Our small little party was perfect company catching up on old times and current ones too. In the pics =Donna in the green Tneck, Trudy in the pink top, Karen in the turq and Margie on the right. Thanks Trudy for the pizza.


  1. Nice smiles. Your's especially!

  2. I love the Star Mill. I was suppose o work that day but made the trek to Boise instead. I would hve loved to see you! Did yo buy anythn?

  3. Hi Karen. I'm glad you had a nice time with your friends. You seem to have a whole bunch of friends. You are a very warm and friendly lady.

    By the way, the post above mine might be someone trying to install a virus or something on your computer. Delete it, unless you know otherwise. I clicked on a post like that once,and some program tried to install on my computer.
