Thursday, December 18, 2008

Chain up?

This afternoon we laid out the 2 sets of chains we have to make sure they were in working order and we remembered how to use them. Not that we want to, but just in case, we are ready for anything. Oh sure, now that I am writing this I think " oh we could have had a V8". No really, I should of gotten the camera out so have picture of the scene. Oh well. Hopefully, we won't even have to put them on.
Less than 36 hours to go. EEEEE gads. It's creaping up on me faster and faster. I AM READY though and still breathing just fine.


  1. Good luck, and be careful. I'm glad you have chains. Make sure to have warm clothes, water, and food in your car and any other emergency items just in case you get stuck in the snow for a long while.

  2. I heard you were coming through Walla Walla... you should give me a call! When will you be coming through? It would be fun to do lunch or dinner. Be safe! The roads are snow/ice packed in Eastern Washington... just depending on which roads you travel.
