Thursday, February 12, 2009

1st time in 2 years

How do you comfort yourself when you have a sore throat:
eat chocolate
eat steamed rice
eat sweet/salty things
drink lots of water (I even like plain hotish water)
take a nap
thank your job for giving you the day off
visualize your Mom hugging you (if you are not near enough for a physical one)
Cold Eze or other great cough drop

it's been 2 years since I had a cold or other illness. Darn, I thought I was immune:(


  1. Hi Karen, I'm sorry you are under the weather. When I have a sore throat I like to have some ibuprofen or aspirin. I like to sip a minty herbal tea with honey and lemon. And I like to sleep the sickness away. That's not always possible, but i do it whenever I can. I hope you feel better soon.

    I still have your nuts!
