Monday, December 10, 2007

Eat drink and be merry

It's tough trudging thru all that snow looking for the perfect tree, but I found one.

Dave & Donna took out out to dinner at the Red Lobster the other night for a post celebration of Walt's birthday. The jacket Dave is wearing was handmade by their son Kurt who is in NY, NY studying the design of mens clothing. He did a very nice job on it.
The tree in our front yard is having a very hard time holding up under the weight of the recent snow fall. The snow was perfect for snowman making as it was so very wet.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed with Dave's jacket. That's quite cool that they have a son studying fashion in NY, NY. I've always wanted to visit that city, perhaps someday I'll get there.

    Love the picture of you and your tree; you should post a picture of it decorated. I'll put a picture of ours on my blog, but I need to fix some of the lights that went out first. We're loving the snow!
