Sunday, July 27, 2008

Birthday BBQ

Since I was enjoying my actual bday in the country, Keri thru a birthday bash when we got back. The loggers were back in town for the weekend as was Chris. Many friends were there, Mel & Shouanna

Keri's Mom & Dad - Gay & Walt Fisher

The Cabin Crew from Twin Falls

Kids enjoying themselves

of course, that same good looking STUD MUFFIN cooking again....

This time there was a cake, singing and laughter... What more could you ask for!?!! I had it all..

LIVEing LOVEing and EATing


  1. Karen, I am glad you were able to have such a great birthday celebration. It looks like you have a lot of people that love you. Happy Birthday!

  2. Looks like fun Karen. Happy belated birthday to you!

    By the way, I love what you have done to your blog. Very cute!
