Sunday, July 27, 2008

City Girl celebrates Bday Country Style

Over the years I've spent so many bdays out camping with my family. At one point (I think it was my 16th bday) I silently wished I could have been born in a month when school was in so I could have my friends celebrate with me. I was at an age that I wanted more than just family around. When I met Walt he took me to places where there even less people around - the back country. Ugh at first. As time when on (and I grew up just a little), I looked forward to going out to the outback. Over the years I have celebrated with friends and family in the city, by myself in the city and with Walt in the outback.
This year was with friends in the outback. We were on the Big Smokey Creek in south central Idaho with friends Dave & Dusty Garner and Patrick & Christina Wartina.
Patrick, David & Dusty are loggers that were starting their current job near the Big Smokey Creek area. We missed having Keri Garner along to celebrate the beauty, but someone had to stay behind and mind the lumber yard. We missed having her there. We went with them to check out their current timber sale. It was perfect weather and even better friendship. There wasn't a cake , the only gift was someone else doing the cooking (Thanks David & Chris), but it was perfect.

Chris took Walt & I on our tour of the area where we saw lots of unique flowers,old trees,wildlife,

and miles and miles of priestine waters. It was hot enough that Chris & I got our feet wet but being that it is glacier waters, it was too cold other than to dip in and get out.

It was amazing to me how many butterflies were swarming around. They were beautiful.

The other flying things were mosquitos galore. We tried all kinds of dif repellants, but each one had different effects on each of us. No one was safe from the pests.

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