Thursday, April 23, 2009

Auntie Erin visits SLC

My Dad's sister Erin has been spending some time with us as she heads north for the summer. She's been here (SLC) for over 2 1/2 weeks. We have enjoyed her visit and learned lots of things abt our Dad from her perspective. She the bossy older sister now and we love her for it. She's been recouping from a broken rib and her recovery has been speedy. She still suffers from the effects of it, but can easily get up and down out of a chair now. One thing she became aware of on this visit is airplants - Tillandsia by name. She has been photographing them, rearranging them and nurturing them for over a week. I am glad someone else likes them like I do. She leaves for the next leg of her adventure - Springfield, OR to see if Jerome can handle being around her for a length of time. Then it's off to Seattle for the summer. Thanks for the memories.


  1. Love you Karen and Mom too!

  2. Karen, I have never heard of an Air Plant till just now. I did a little internet search on them. They are pretty cool. Are they hard to take care of.

    I'm glad you got to visit your aunt. I love visiting family.

    I still have your nuts. Let's get together sometime soon.
