Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Mum's the word

When I was in Birch Bay in Sept at one of a number of garage sales, I bought these mums for $1.00. Unfortunately, I forgot them in my cousins car. Shows you how badly I needed that stem of flowers. I had forgotten all abt them. Yesterday in the mail was this box from this cousin. I couldn't even imagine what she would be sending me. To my surprise there were my flowers in a "Daisy" can. That was something I hadn't bought. She thought I needed it now. She'd had it for a year - picked it up at a give-away session at a family gathering a year ago. How cute! I just love it.
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  1. I think your Mums are so pretty. The tin is the perfect touch. That's a cute birdhouse too.

  2. How completely nice! I just love love getting packages in the mail!
