Monday, February 18, 2008

Antiques, Feathers & Friends

Yesterday we went out and about with Dave & Donna as it was too nice a day to be couped up inside. First we went to an antique show at the Weber County Fairgrounds. Kris, I know you wold have loved it so I put you in my bag and took you with me. You showed me so many fun things and I saw so many of the things I have in MY storage already. I found a box of skeleton keys but at $2 ea, I just couldn't create a whole ring of keys like yours. So, I just picked up a couple. One looks like it would open a little box and the other to a door like you use.

There were so many little cases that store things that I would of loved to have had, but for the life of me I just couldn't think of where to put them in my trailer.
The journey continued down a road filled with potholes but after navigaing them cleverly, we ended up at the Farmington Bay Wildlife winter resting area.
This is a place bald eagles have been seen resting. The day was perfect. Sunny, somewhat warm (45Fish) and no wind. I have never seen a bald eagle that close - and - so many of them.
There were as many people out photographing these magnificent birds as there were birds. Everyone was capturing the fishing activities, the fighting over the catches and the fluffing of feathers. .
We can always count on our activites with Dave & Donna filling the day completely. They are like Energizer Bunnys, they just keep going and going - right on past sunsets most of the time.
It was a spectacular way to end the day for sure.


  1. That is so cool! How neat to see so many bald eagles! I love them. We see them down here quite often, but usually only one and rarely two. I've never seen more than two at once.

    I'd love to go antiquing, but I'm afraid I'd just want to spend money that I don't have. Now if I had and extra $100 to spend, that would be sweet.

  2. So pretty Karen. You are doing a great job on this page. I love to check it out.
    This past weekend 2 eagles were in a tree in our yard. They sounded like they were having a party! I wish my camera had a better zoom.
    A happy sign of Spring!

  3. Karen, What a fun post. I would have loved to go antiquing too.

    I love the bald eagles. I've never seen more than one at a time, and even that is not very often. They are so beautiful. I wish I could have been there with you. You took some very pretty pictures.

  4. Sounds like a great day! All the eagles would have been awesome to see! And well, antique shopping is always fun!

  5. I love a good antique show. It looked wonderful! Thanks for thinking of me.
