Friday, November 16, 2007

Shutter speed working again

I bought a new camera today. A Fuji F480 8.2 mgp that really fits into my pocket nicely. They had them at Macey's grocery store on sale. I looked and looked at different cameras, but this one just said. YES! take me.. So I did. I had used up the other one to the point of it would have cost more than this new camera to fix it. Such a throw away society they have made us. We are going to save it for parts for Colleen's as hers is the same. My Dad and his sister and our old neighbors all have the SAME as C & I did. We just loved it.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Red Hatter

As Walt is now old enough to join the Red Hat Society, he's feeling great. We thought we'd join the throngs of people attending the FREE dinner at the Golden Corrals Resturant for Veteran's on Monday. Being at the end of a 2 hr line we made the decision with Dave & Donna to go someplace else even though we'd have to pay. It was too cold to stand outside for that long just to stand in line again to gather food. Walt's just not into that. So all of us, including Colleen went to a favorite place and enjoyed a good meal and were probably finished before we would have gotten seated at the GC.
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