What is his name: Walter Huber
How long have you been married: 33 years - 2/22
How long did you date: 2 years
How old is he: 18 years older than me
Who said I love you first: hmmm I can't remember that far back. But I want it to have been him.
Who is taller: he is by 8"
Who eats more: Duh, that is a no brainer - ME
Who can sing better: Since he hasn't sung anything since he was in school glee club, I'd have to say me here as well.
Who is smarter: We are equally as smart in our own ways
Who pays the bills: I don't like to, but I do
Who does the laundry: Unless I want everything to be gray or pink, I do
Who mows the lawn: I do when my sister isn't. Walt did once. But we didn't like the way he did it.
Who cooks the meals: ME - ugh but we have to eat.
Who drives when you are together: He does. He loves to. I prefer to drive in the city as I have more patience, but he's better on the open road.
Who is more stubborn: He is
Who asked who out first: I did. I wanted to go on a trip to Canada and wanted him to go along. Mind you, Vancouver, BC wasn't all that far from home - Seattle.
Who proposed: He did
Who has more siblings: I do - he only has one - a brother. I am them oldest of 7.