Saturday, November 22, 2008

Don't click until you are sure

I am so sad when I hit a wrong button. I lost all of my side gadgets when I hit a button that I didn't want. Now I have to start over recreating my site. ugh.

Give Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving to all - here's a pumpkin pie baking just for you..

Only One Word

Answer the questions using only ONE word - it's harder than you think...

1. Where is your cell phone? Pocket

2. Your significant other? Sleeping

3. Your hair? Colored

4. Your mother? Kind

5. Your father? Busy

6. Your favorite thing? Family

7. Your dream last night? None

8. Your favorite drink? Cocoa

9. Your dream/goal? Happy

10. The room you're in? Office

11. Your fear? Lonely

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Secure

13. Where were you last night? Home

14. What you're not? Awake

15. Muffins? Sure

16. One of your wish list items? Trip

17. Where you grew up? Seattle

18. The last thing you did? Work

19. What are you wearing? Bathrobe

20. Your TV? Off

21. MISSING! Mom

22. Your computer? SLOW

23. Your life? Awesome

24. Your mood? OK

25. Missing someone? Patty

26. Your car? Awesome

27. Something you're not wearing? Shoes

28. MISSING! daylight

29. Your summer? Busy!

30. Your favorite color? Purple

31. When is the last time you laughed? Yeserday

32. Last time you cried? Yesterday

33. Who will/would re-post this? Nobody

Be sure to pass this on to everyone who reads this!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Giving Thanks

Things to be thankful for this week:
Leaf fairies
Wood burning in fireplaces
Clear view of snow on mountain peaks
The love of my family
Cleaned up horses
Cousins who are musically inclined
Their parents who are proud enough to show their pics on a family website
Cars that run when you need them to
A job that I like
The telephone

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Birds of a Feather

As the birds are flying everywhere in our neighborhood looking for food (I guess I see them better with out leaves on the trees) this video is very intriguing to me...

My Aunt was visiting recently and she captured her perspective of the birds also.