Thursday, July 10, 2008

Daniel in Bend

Daniel is in Bend, OR this weekend cycling his legs up and down hills in the heat of Eastern desert OREGON at the Cascade Classic. Best of wishes to him.

One of the Octogenarians in our Family

Yesterday was Dad's 81st bday. Stan's 3 kids, along with our sister Janet & took Dad to the pool for an afternoon swim. What a fun way for him to enjoy his grandchildren while Mom was out of town. I love my Dad so much. He's very active still - no moss growing under his rocker. I gave him a call to wish him my best and he'd just finished a TV dinner of his choice. He seemed to be ok with that and so I had to be as well.

Main Entry: oc·to·ge·nar·i·an
Pronunciation: "äk-t&-j&-'ner-E-&n
Function: noun: a person whose age is in the eighties —octogenarian adjective
Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Precious Patty

This is one of my sisters - Patty. She has been working very hard at reshaping her body over the last 2 1/2 years. I am impressed with how she has had the discipline to keep at it. She is looking so very fine. Tomorrow she is going in for a cornea transplant on one of her eyes. Years ago she had radial keritonimy (sp) done and there was some serious scar tissued that formed ruining her vision. This is the only way to have that corrected. Our Mom has flown down from Seattle to be with her in CA. Mom is the best nurse in my book. She adapts to however you like to be treated when you are sick. Walt just wants to be holed up in his bed and sleep till he's better. I want to be fussed over. Mom was there when I had my eye surgeries and it is so comforting. I pray for an uneventful recovery for Patty and know that sight is such a blessed gift.

Monday, July 7, 2008

The high 90's has finally helped the fur fly at our house.

& KC

both are finally starting to shed their winter coats. With Louie scratching constantly and panting even in the flow of the swamp cooler, I showered him with love and oatmeal soap and gave him a bath. He was so appreciative that he laid by my feet all day. Ugh - sometimes it makes it hard to move around with him glued to my leg. But I know where he is anyway. He did feel much better afterwards though. Then a good brushing when he was dry relieved him of tons of fur - probably enough to make a pillow.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Red, White & Blue

This year has been very abundant for fruit crops for us. We harvested close to 10c of fresh, sweet yet tart strawberries. The plants were planted abt 4-5 years ago and this is the first time to get such a bumper crop. Of course, they didn't all come at once so eating them was the best option. Some on cereal, some in drinks, some just as candy and some in desserts. As the commercial says "I'm lovin it".
The next crop of fruit to come on was cherries. They are the neighbors tree, but a branch hung over in our yard and after talking to them, that branch was OURs to pick. YEAH. They aren't as sweet as I'd like but they were good anyway.
I am still working on eating all the blueberries that were picked last summer and am so looking forward to a new crop. Should be in late Aug or so. I love eating frozen blueberries the best. More healthy candy type fruits. For breakfast on the 4th of Jul, I have cereal with strawberries (red), blueberries (blue) and milk (white). That was the most colorful breakfast I've had in a long time. "I'm lovin it".