First of all, a few answers.
"Where have you been?" I have been here all along. I just haven't had anything pressing, or of importance to say. I have been just out doing my daily duties. I have been too busy with life. I have been busy reading some of my favorite blogs and books. And, don't forget, I do work.
"Are you coming back?" Oh, I'm coming back. Like, right now.
"How are things going?" Things are going.
"Do you still partake of the sweet juices of the Gods" (a.k.a. WATER)
Yes, yes I do and it equals lots of flushing.
That was weird.
Well, I'm sure you've been wondering and thank you for thinking abt why I haven't been writing hourly. Whatever though, it is nice to be missed. And it'll be good because leave it to my world to shake things up the first minute I sit down in I don't know how long to write an entry. In the few short minutes I have sat here my roomies have managed to become restless because I have been negligent in paying attention to them. Where have you been?
Such is life...