Monday, September 3, 2007

Benched Colleen

Colleen wanted to have 3 benches on the new deck. She got 2 built before her trip to the kite festival. She built the last one yesterday. The dogs (KC, Louie & Molly) all followed her around during the contruction process and made sure it wasn't going to be in their trapline. Another thing she did was edge the lawn. I really don't like doing the edging. I don't mind picking up land mines and mowing, but edging isn't my thing. It sure looks nice when it's done though. Such a finished look. But what a bother. Have you ever gone 24 hrs with out talking to one of your siblings or your parents? I don't mean on the website or a blog, I mean on the phone? That was a question that one of my siblings asked abt C & I. Well, living together makes it kind of hard not too, but when she was on her vcation we did talk every day on the phone. I have another sister, Patty, whom I also chat with everyday or at least every other day. The other 2 sisters I get to at least once a week.

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