Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Tabs and Friends

Today I took my friends daughter, Kandy, to the airport. This is Kandy's 2nd time on a plane. But the 1st time by herself. She'll be 31 in Nov. She is going to visit Judy (my friend) in Walla Walla for a week. I am so excited for them as they need to need each other. Kandy has 3 boys all under the age of 13 and hasn't ever been away from them. She NEEDS a break and her Mom stepped up to the plate and sent for her. The boys will be staying at home with their Dad for some bonding moments.
After I dropped her off, I went down to the Ronald McDonald House in SLC to turn in our 2 1-gal baggies of pop can tops. They turn them in for $$$$ that is used to make minor repairs, buy some extra goodies for the guests or just plain do nice things that the regular budget would allow.
Next I went over to another friends house to tend to the stay at home birds and cats. Connie is in Idaho visiting her Mom who at 79 recently had a hysterectomy to stave off uterine cancer. She is doing fine, just needs help getting back on her feet again.
On the way to Connie's I missjudged a curb and tripped going down with a thud. Landed on the heel of my palm and a bruise is already forming. I stopped by the Chriopracter and got an adjustment. I can tell the dif already. So much for living up to my childhood nickname - Grace...

1 comment:

  1. You are a terrific friend, It's so great how you chip in and help those about whom you care.

    I'm glad that you're ok! That could've been bad!
