Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Things to LOVE this week

Today I was delivering some things to a friend and her yard was BLOOMING with little blue Glories of the Snow flowers dotted with a few white Snow Drop ones. These are the kind that are abt 2" tall. It was so beatuiful to see some color in the otherwise 'not awake yet' world of ours.

So, this weeks things to love:
Little spring flowers
Snow on the mountains - not in the yard
Easter candy at half price
New little babies - my friends Angie & Doug had the 2nd child this past week - welcome Leah Smith.
Traveling to Hyrum (near Logan, UT) for my job
Homemade rolls (my sister Patty sent me their family recipe)
and most important - all the blessings I have received by just being alive


  1. Karen, I'm going to do a things I love post. It's such a nice idea!

    I'm glad that you're alive! You are such a lovely and upbeat person. I love a lot of the things on your list too.

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  3. The flowers are so pretty. I especially love the blue ones. I can't believe they are blooming so nicely this early.

    I love homemade rolls too. Mmmmm
