Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Things to love

Like everyone else who says "my how time flys", I too can't imagine where the week has gone. It seems like just yesterday I was on here posting abt the things I love. But a whole week has gone by and I didn't post anything. I can tell you though, that I have been reading lots of blogs. There are some that are very amazing. Like my friend Sondra's childrens blogs. They are very creative and can do a better job at posting than I can. Kudos to Sondra - she's a great Mom to her kids. Some of the things I love this week are:
Riding in the car down a country road (going to Colorado this week for work)
Flannel Sheets
Little pink buds on the Peach Tree (a cousin recently added a new blossom to the family tree - Trevor Nathanial Heaps born 2-20-08)
New buds on the peach tree in our yard
A puppy trying to get attention when no one is paying attention to them
A new type salad on a menu
Phone calls to family members who are loved and who love me


  1. I think I love those things too. Especially the puppy trying to get attention.
