Friday, February 8, 2008

Bonding Moments

Today I helped out my sister in law(Kate) learn some new to her things on their computer. I also helped her learn how to download pics she's taken on their camera that is new to them too. We went to Costco to buy a whole bunch of fresh & frozen fruits, some oatmeal and a couple of books off the Oprah Book Club list. The Secret & The New Earth. Kate has really been listening to Oprah abt going GREEN in their every day lives as well as eating more healthy. We also bought pedometers as she and I are going to go walking together even though we live 300 mi apart. We'll see how long we can stick with a walking regime. Tonight we put aside our thoughts of being healthy and went for an old family recipe "cheese spatzles". They are home made noodle dumplings latered with shredded swiss cheese topped with fried (in BUTTER) onions. YUMMM It' a family favorite though.

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